Building a world-leading clean energy and chemical company

On December 28, 2020, Sinopec held a virtual conference in Beijing. Mr. Zhang Yuzhuo, chairman of Sinopec, cast vision that Sinopec should implement new development concepts and patterns, and strive to build a world-leading company in clean energy and chemicals.

Main Achievements in 2020 and “13th Five Year Plan”

Mr. Zhang pointed out that 2020 was an extraordinary year. However, despite facing serious challenges, the employees at all Sinopec units worked together to resolve problems, work on system optimization, and controlling the bottom line. They focused on turning crisis into opportunity, and bravely won victories from pandemic prevention to production and operation. Over the past year, we have taken firm steps to make industrial transformation and adjust the business structure around our main responsibilities and business. We focused on vitality and motivation, made innovation and breakthroughs, continuously increased the efficiency of reform management. We are striving to be the first to advance, and comprehensively managing the company toward in-depth development.

Looking back on the past five years, Sinopec has seized the opportunity and made great achievements. The business scale and strength have been enhanced. Quality and efficiency has improved. The research, development and innovation achievements have been fruitful. Management efficiency has increased. Social responsibilities have been fulfilled, and the morale of employees has been high. All of this has laid a solid foundation for the “14th Five Year Plan” and future development.

Standing at this new historical intersection, especially after the arduous fight in 2020, we deeply understand that we must raise awareness and make plans to ensure the development of Sinopec remains cutting edge, giving us a distinct advantage in the industry. We must be courageous in our thinking and get rid of formalism and bureaucracy. We must take responsibility to propel high quality, green international development with forward-thinking minds and unconventional methods. We must gather strength to drive development, promote the integration of corporate culture and major tasks, create a first-class external environment, and a strong cohesive force for development.

Implement World-Leading Development Strategy

Zhang Yuzhuo stressed that as we enter a new era and new stage, we need to start a new journey of building a world-leading company in clean energy and chemicals in all aspects, carry on the past and This will open up the future and propel Sinopec to greater heights.

We must firmly adhere to this vision of becoming the world’s leading clean energy company and resolutely shoulder the burden of safeguarding our energy security and two core responsibilities:

1.Guiding the high quality development of petrochemical industry.

2.Accelerate the construction of “One Foundation, Two Wings and Three Growth Points” industry growth pattern. (One Foundation of energy resources, Two Wings of clean oil products and modern chemical industry, Three Growth Points of new energy, new materials and new economy.)

We should vigorously implement the development strategy of value guided, market-oriented, innovation driven, green and clean, open and cooperative, and talent grounded enterprise, so as to build Sinopec into the world-leading company in clean energy and chemicals.

Zhang Yuzhuo stressed that during the “14th Five Year Plan” period, we should accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading, promote energy transition and development, and build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient modern energy system integrated with production, supply, storage and marketing. It is necessary to speed up the construction of a technology-oriented company, and cast the competitive strength of rapid transformation and iteration of scientific and technological achievements. We should expedite the promotion of corporate governance efficiency, improve management and the enhancement of cultural appeal.

Main Tasks and Requirements in 2021

Zhang Yuzhuo highlighted that 2021 is the year for Sinopec to implement a comprehensive world leading development strategy. We should show our extraordinary wisdom and courage, take effective measures, enhance our ability to overcome difficulties, and use this time to compose a new chapter.

Our goals for 2021 are: Seek progress while maintaining stability. Fully implement the world leading development strategy. Closely adhere to the theme of high-quality development and the guideline of supply structural reform. Focus on R&D innovation, transformation and upgrading. Overcome difficulties and create efficiency; reform management. Focus on low-carbon and clean energy, risk prevention and control. Ensure a good start of the “14th Five Year Plan.”

We will make effort to build a technology-oriented company and constantly strengthen R&D innovation in these ways:

Further gather the elements of R&D innovation. 

Further improve the efficiency of R&D innovation.

Further optimize the environment of R&D innovation.

Spare no effort to build the strategic R&D strength according to deployment of Sinopec, and make contribution to the improvement of Sinopec’s comprehensive R&D strength.


Aim at mid- to high-aspects of value chain and accelerate transformation and upgrading. We should promote the optimization of energy structure in a forward-looking way, deploy the regional industry arrangement in a strategic way, purposely break through the obstacles, systematically strengthen the support of industrial development, simultaneously plan the current and the future as a whole, and forge a strong, tough and efficient industrial chain.


Look ahead at improving quality, increasing efficiency and stabilizing growth, and carefully organize production and operation. We should maximize the overall value of Sinopec Group, tap the potential by system optimization, persist in running enterprises with diligence, strive for better business performance, and support the sustainable and healthy development of the economy.


Forge efficient systems and mechanisms, and comprehensively deepen reform and strengthen management. We should enhance the enterprise confidence in its system, resolutely break down the obstacles, resolve historical problems, and promote the deepening of reform and the improvement of management so as to achieve greater results.


Focus on creating a green, clean and beautiful company image, and improve the level of environmental protection. With the efficient running of the environmental protection management system, we should speed up the research on peak carbon dioxide emission, carbon neutralization strategies and carbon reduction initiatives. We must fight for pollution prevention and control, improve the efficiency of energy resources, and make green and clean become the bright background of Sinopec’s high quality development.


Focus on severe and complex challenges and pay close attention to risk prevention and mitigation. We should coordinate development in a safe way, mitigate risks with systems and mechanisms, and pay attention to legal compliance so as to ensure safety and avoid systemic risks. 

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